Hero WOD Wednesday: “Coffey“
For time: Run 800 meters 50 Back Squats, 135# 50 Bench press, 135# Run 800 meters 35 Back Squats, 135# 35 Bench press, 135# Run 800 meters 20 Back Squats, 135# 20 Bench press, 135# Run 800 meters 1 Muscle-up
In honor of U.S. Marine Corporal Keaton G. Coffey, 22, of Boring, Oregon, was killed on May 24, 2012 To learn more about Coffey click here Rx 135/95 Masters 95/65 In case you all missed Monday More squats and bench press:) At home if no barbell sub squats with kB or dB and you can do floor press with kB or dB and if no weight at all you can sub push ups and airsquats For the run u can sub a row which should be 1000m and if not place to row or run sub 4 min jump rope or jumping jack for each 800m run 40 min cap