Fundamental sessions are required for all new members. Experienced CrossFitters can test out of this requirement.
Here at CrossFit Kivnon, fundamentals are HUGE!
Fundies courses help those who are new to CrossFit (or maybe a little rusty) better transition into the regular WOD classes. We do this by providing training on the basics of the core movements and mechanics of CrossFit. Through this foundational training, new members gain confidence in the movements, and are equipped with the knowledge of how to move safely to reduce the risks of injury. We offer up to 4 one-on-one sessions that are 1 hour long with a coach.
To purchase your 1 fundemental sess + 1 month of unlimited membership go to our pricing tab. To schedule a fundamentals class with one of our coaches, please drop us a line via email at crossfitkivnon@gmail.com.