SWOD: Deadlift (7x7 at 50% or above)
Home modification—-Find something and deadlift it... milk jugs, laundry soap, dog food bag, laundry basket full of whatever, or sub single leg deadlifts 7 on each leg
WOD: Metcon (Time)
3 rounds for time 3 Wall walks 6 single arm dumbbell Snatch 50/35 (3 each side) 9 Ring dips 12 Double unders sub 36 singles 15 Burpees
Home Wod—- 3 Wall walks sub hand stand hold or push ups with knees on the couch 6 single arm dumbbell Snatch sub a snatch with a jug of water or milk or paint can 9 Dips on a couch or a chair 12 Double unders sub 36 singles sub jumping jacks 15 Burpees