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CrossFit Kivnon 200327

SWOD: Clean and Jerk (SQUAT CLEAN AND JERK 7x7 at 50%)

AT HOME—If you don’t have a barbell at home you can use one or two kbs or dumbbells and do squat clean and jerks with them if you don’t have that equipment then sub 7x7 jumping air squats + 7x7 jumping lunges... this will help to work on the squat clean and the jerk

WOD: Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)

AMRAP— as many reps as possible in 5 rounds of 3 minutes on 1 min off 200m run 12 dumbbell goblet or kB goblet squats then max burpees during the remainder of the round (3 minutes) Then 1 minute rest and repeat for a total Of 5 rounds Your score is total Burpees

So basically you do the 200m run and squats then max you burpees out... you have theee minutes to do this... then rest 1 minute and repeat for 5 rounds AT home—- You can mark a run out side for 100m out and then back or you can run for 30 seconds out and back or sub 1 min double unders or 1 min jumping jacks For the dB/kB squat find something to hold and squat it...

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