Terence Hatton
For Time (45 minute cap if needed)
1 mile run
25 Push Presses (155/105 lb)
50 Box Jumps
25 Deadlifts (155/105 lb)
50 Sit-Ups
25 Cleans (155/105 lb)
50 Pull-Ups
1 mile run
RX+ with a vest
This Firefighter Hero WOD is dedicated to Terence "Captain Manhattan" Hatton, FDNY, Rescue 1, who was killed on September 11, 2001.
Terence S. Hatton, 41, of Manhattan, was a much-decorated fire captain of Rescue Company 1 in Manhattan and led his men into the north tower. His remains were recovered more than two weeks later.
The captain of an elite FDNY unit, Terry Hatton had received 19 commendations for bravery, including the department's Medal of Valor.