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CrossFit Kivnon 170602

WOD- for time... 45 minute cap--- show up early and don't be late:) 

WOD- for time 10 strict pull-ups sub a band that is challenging or jumping negatives 20 HSPU sub Lsit press with kb/db 30 ohs 45/33# barbell  40 jumping lunges  400m + fence run =500ish meters 60 kb swings 53/35# 70 deadlifts 95/63# 80 sit-ups 

90 Jumping jacks 100 airsquats  90 flutter kicks 80 mountain climbers 70 push press 65/43# 600m run (400+200m run) 50 double unders sub attempts or 3x singles 40 push-ups 30 T2B sub k2e sub knees to 90 20 burpees 10 TGU ( each arm) 53/35# 

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