9AM Free WOD
We're going to split the class up into smaller groups and match up with a coach. We'll go over movements you've been struggling with or just haven't been able to figure out.
Getting upside down - HSPU - kipping HSPU
Rope climbs
GHD sit-ups
Pull-ups - Kipping pull-ups - butterfly pull-ups
Kettle bell swings
Whatever you guys want to work on and get more efficient at, we'll work on it.
In honor of Army Staff Sergeant Joshua Whitaker, 23, of Long Beach, CA who was killed in Afghanistan May 15th, 2007
3 rounds for time 45 / 25 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, right arm 21 L Pull-ups (sub 21 single pull-up/toes to bar, try to work in an L pull-up every once in awhile) 45 / 25 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, left arm 21 L Pull-ups
(The snatches are full squat snatches.)